1924, june 15th

June 15th, 1924, was a fateful day for the passengers of the grand passenger ship, Evelina. The ship set sail and was laden with a sense of joy and excitement, for it was a journey fi lled with new adventures and opportunities. The passengers were a diverse group, from wealthy socialites to humble travelers, but they all shared a common goal: to reach their destination and start a new life. 26 26 As the Evelina sailed across the Great Sea, the passengers found new acquaintances and some even got to form new potential friendships. They passed the time playing games, exchanging stories, and enjoying each other’s company. It was a time of harmony and joy, and the future seemed bright for all aboard the ship. However, as the Evelina approached the coast of Maraheim, it encountered a storm so fi erce and unrelenting that it threatened to sink the ship. The passengers and crew huddled below deck, praying for their safety, as the winds howled and the waves crashed against the ship. Captain Gerart Humble was a seasoned sailor, and he had encountered many dangers on the seas in his years of service. But nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to witness. As the ship Evelina was battered by the ferocious storm, Captain Humble climbed up to the deck, determined to save his ship and his passengers. As he reached the deck, he saw it: a tenebrous gigantic fi gure with glowing white eyes standing in the middle of the ocean. The entity was 27 27 so massive that it caused the waves to crash against the ship with terrifying force.
Captain Humble felt a surge of fear, but he stood his ground and yelled at the creature,
”What do you want from us? Leave us alone!” But the creature did not respond. It simply stood there, its glowing eyes piercing through the darkness. Suddenly, enormous tentacles rose from the water and wrapped around the ship, pulling it downwards through the sea surface. 28 28 Captain Humble realized the terrible fate that was about to befall his ship and his passengers. He fell to his knees and cried out, ”Please, I beg of you! Have mercy! Spare my ship and my people!” But the giant paid no heed to his pleas. As the tentacles tightened around the ship, Captain Humble looked up and saw the glowing white eyes of the creature. In that moment, he knew that there was no escape, and that he and his passengers were doomed. He closed his eyes and braced for the inevitable, feeling a sense of despair wash over him. 29 29 The ship Evelina sunk and all those aboard disappeared into the ocean. Captain Humble’s last thoughts were of the passengers he had sworn to protect and the ship he had dedicated his life to. He perished with his ship, a testament to the frightening power of the unknown giant and the tragic fate of the Ship Evelina. No one survived to tell the tale of the harrowing fate of the Ship Evelina, and yet the story’s been told many times throughout the century. No one really knows what happened but the legend of the ocean lurking giant has been around for centuries before the ship Evelina was devoured by the ocean. It is said that the spirits of the lost crew and passengers still haunt the depths of the sea, trapped forever in the cold embrace of the great abyss. The tragedy of the Evelina will forever remain a reminder of the dangers that lurk in the dark, mysterious depths of the ocean.
