November 13th, 1986

Ibrahim Antov's life is a constant battle with himself. As an introvert working on a factory assembly line, he prefers his own company to that of others. But deep down, he yearns for a love that he can never have - a love for a co-worker named Orvar. As a homosexual man, Ibrahim is aware of the taboo and stigma surrounding his sexuality, especially when it comes to his co-worker who is married to his wife of many years. This unrequited love, coupled with a constant feeling of being a misfit, has left Ibrahim isolated and alone. His fear of being judged by others has resulted in a permanent paranoid state that sometimes paralyzes his mind and emotions. Every day, he returns home from work, drained of energy, and collapses on the couch in front of the television, where he falls asleep. The emptiness he feels inside is a constant reminder of what he cannot have, and the pain is almost too much to bear.

Ibrahim's day had been particularly grueling, with the factory assembly line moving at an even more hectic pace than usual. As he trudged through the door of his small apartment, he could feel the weight of exhaustion dragging him down. All he wanted was to sink into his worn couch and forget about the world for a while.
But as he made his way to the living room, something caught his eye on the small table beside the couch. It was a VHS cassette tape, lying innocuously among the scattered bills and mail. Ibrahim furrowed his brow, wondering how it had gotten there. But in his current state, he was too drained to dwell on it for long.
Without much thought, he slipped the tape into his VHS player and collapsed onto the couch. The television flickered to life, and he was greeted by a static image of a magnificent palace in the distance. For a moment, Ibrahim wondered if the picture had frozen, but he soon noticed the subtle movements of the leaves and twigs being stirred by a gentle breeze.
As he watched, transfixed, a feeling of calmness washed over him. There was something about the image that seemed to soothe his frazzled nerves and ease the tightness in his chest. He realized that he had been holding his breath and slowly let it out, relaxing into the cushions.
Before he knew it, Ibrahim had dozed off, the tape still playing in the background. The palace continued to loom in the distance, a beacon of serenity amidst the chaos of his everyday life.
As Ibrahim continued to watch the film every day, he felt as though he was being transported into another world. The grand palace, once so far away, was now within reach. The details of the palace became clearer and more vibrant with every passing day, until finally, he stepped inside.
The interior was beyond what he could have ever imagined. The walls were decorated with intricate patterns and beautiful artwork. The floors were made of the finest marble and the ceiling was adorned with stunning chandeliers. It was as if he had been transported to a different time and place.
As he explored the palace, he couldn't help but feel as though he was meant to be there. It was as if the palace was calling out to him, beckoning him to stay. And then, as he entered the bedroom, he saw the one he had been longing for - Orvar.
Ibrahim was filled with a mixture of emotions - joy, relief, and disbelief. Orvar had always been out of reach, but here he was, waiting for him in the palace. They embraced each other, and Ibrahim felt a warmth he had never felt before. They spent the night together, sharing a love that was beyond anything they had ever experienced before.
It was a magical night, one that they both knew couldn't last forever. But in that moment, they were happy, and that was all that mattered. As Ibrahim fell asleep in Orvar's arms, he knew that he had found something special in the palace. He knew that he would keep coming back, as long as the film was there to take him.
The next day when he came to work, Ibrahim was ecstatic. For the first time in his life, he felt truly alive. He floated on clouds, his heart bursting with joy. When he saw Orvar, his co-worker, he rushed over and without thinking, kissed him with such passion he felt as if he could explode. The room fell silent as everyone turned to stare. Orvar pushed him away, anger etched on his face. And then he punched him, hard. Ibrahim reeled, shocked by the sudden violence. His co-workers crowded around, their faces twisted in rage and confusion. Ibrahim tried to make sense of the chaos around him, but the only thing he could do was to run. Tears streaming down his face, he ran out of the factory and all the way home.
As Ibrahim stumbled into his apartment, tears streaming down his face, he felt his world crumble around him. The reality of what had just happened at work had hit him like a ton of bricks. He had finally taken a chance on love, only to be met with rejection and violence.
Hoping to escape the pain and heartache, he turned on the television and searched for something to distract him. And there, on the screen, was the image of the grand palace from his dreams. His heart rate slowed, and he felt a sense of peace wash over him.
Suddenly, the image on the screen shifted, and he saw the one he loved standing in the palace, beckoning to him. The familiar face was apologetic, and he promised to show Ibrahim the love that he had been yearning for all these years. For a moment, Ibrahim forgot about the pain and heartache, and he allowed himself to be swept up in the fantasy.
It was a brief moment of happiness, but it was enough to soothe his troubled heart. As he lay down on the couch, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. For the first time in a long time, he felt like everything was going to be okay.
The shift leader had a nagging feeling that something was wrong with Ibrahim. He couldn't shake it off, so he decided to pay him a visit. When he arrived at Ibrahim's apartment, he was greeted by an eerie silence. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, and the only sound he could hear was the faint hum of the refrigerator.
As he made his way to the living room, he noticed that the curtains were drawn shut, blocking out any natural light. The room was almost pitch black, and the only illumination came from the TV screen, which flickered with white noise. The shift leader could barely make out the outline of Ibrahim's motionless body slumped on the couch. He approached him with trepidation, and as he drew closer, he saw that there were no signs of struggle. Ibrahim's face held a serene expression, as if he had slipped into a peaceful slumber.
The shift leader knew that something terrible had happened, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. The scene before him was haunting, and he felt a shiver run down his spine. He knew that this was a moment he would never forget.
The shift leader hesitated before calling for emergency responders. He already knew what had happened before they arrived. Nevertheless, he made the call and soon enough, the sound of the ambulance echoed through the empty apartment. The emergency responders rushed in, but they too knew there was no point in trying to save Ibrahim. They confirmed his death, and the shift leader was left standing there, with a troubled feeling weighing heavily on his chest. He couldn't shake off the eerie atmosphere in the room, nor could he understand why Ibrahim would choose to end his life in such a way. As the responders took Ibrahim's body away, the shift leader was left with nothing but questions and a haunting sense of sadness.
